Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where Did All the Real Teachers Go?

I remember my kindergarten teacher like it was yesterday, good oh "Mrs. Bell" full of energy and love. She could be the sweates person in the world and if you misbehave she wouldn't be nothing nice. Either way I loved her because me molded me into what I am today, sure I had many more teachers after kindergarten but none are as important as her. I am saying this because what if I would have had someone who didn't care for teaching, someone with a degree in a field that is no longer hiring and becoming a teacher was their last resort. Real teachers are becoming EXTINCT, I feel like it has beome a long lost trade. Every year I see more and more teachers start of the school year so happy and joyful and by March they are teaching from behind their desk. I feel like I am the only one who sees this, it has to be a bad dream I tell myself time and time again. The dream is never ending sometimes I just want to bust into rooms and yell at the top of my lungs "teach this children please" but than I would lose my job for being wrong but right at the same time. When are we going to start holding some of these teachers responsible for being teachers.